Burger Chords is committed to promoting and protecting the interests and safety of children. We have zero tolerance for child abuse. Burger Chords is thereby committed to complying with the Child Safe Standards (Standards) introduced by the Victorian Government, which set out the compulsory minimum standards for organisations that provide services for children and young people (or are used by children and young people), to help protect them from harm.
Everyone working at Burger Chords is responsible for the care and protection of children and reporting information about child abuse.
This policy applies to all staff, contractors and volunteers and to the broad range of situations where interaction with children and young people may occur in the delivery of Burger Chords’s services.
In continuing to implement and promote a child-safe system of work, Burger Chords will:
All staff, contractors and volunteers are responsible for the safety and wellbeing of children and young people who engage with Burger Chords. All staff are expected to act in accordance with the Burger Chords’s Child Safety Code of Conduct in their physical and online interactions with children and young people under the age of 18 years.
All teachers at Burger Chords must ensure that they:
All staff, volunteers and contractors share responsibility for the prevention and detection of child abuse, and must:
All music teachers at Burger Chords must have current Working with Children Checks to support the ongoing culture of child safety.
Burger Chords may require applicants to provide a police check in accordance with the law and as appropriate, before they commence working and during their time with Burger Chords at regular intervals.
Once engaged, workers and volunteers must review and acknowledge their understanding of this policy.
If the appropriate child protection service or the police decide to investigate a report, all employees, contractors or volunteers must co-operate fully with the investigation.
Burger Chords will respect the privacy of the individuals involved unless there is a risk to someone’s safety. Burger Chords will have safeguards and practices in place to ensure that any personal information considered or recorded remains confidential.
In accordance with privacy laws, everyone is entitled to know how the personal information will be recorded, what will or can be done with it, and who may be able to access it.
Staff, volunteers and contractors at Burger Chords are required to abide by the Child Safety Code of Conduct.
Burger Chords recognises, respects and promotes its responsibilities to keep children safe from abuse, and commits to ensuring the safety of children as a first priority. Burger Chords values diversity and will not tolerate child abuse or discriminatory practices.
The Child Safety Code of Conduct aims to protect children and reduce opportunities for child abuse or harm to occur. It is intended to complement Burger Chords’s other related policies and procedures.
The Child Safety Code of Conduct applies to the broad range of situations where interaction with children and young people may occur in the delivery of Burger Chords services, including through digital technology and social media.
All people involved in the care of children on behalf of Burger Chords will:
Staff, volunteers and contractors shall work to prevent discrimination and actively promote the participation and inclusion of all children, recognising in particular:
Staff, volunteers and contractors shall not:
Child means a child or young person who is under the age of 18 years.
Child protection means any responsibility, measure or activity undertaken to safeguard children from harm.
Child abuse means
Child sexual assault is any act which exposes a child to, or involves a child in, sexual processes beyond his or her understanding or contrary to accepted community standards. Sexually abusive behaviours can include the fondling of genitals, masturbation, oral sex, vaginal or anal penetration by a penis, finger or any other object, fondling of breasts, voyeurism, exhibitionism, and exposing the child to or involving the child in pornography. It includes child grooming, which refers to actions deliberately undertaken with the aim of befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child to lower the child’s inhibitions in preparation for sexual activity with the child.
Reasonable grounds for belief is a belief based on reasonable grounds that child abuse has occurred when all known considerations or facts relevant to the formation of a belief are taken into account and these are objectively assessed. Circumstances or considerations may include the source of the allegation and how it was communicated, the nature of and details of the allegation, and whether there are any other related matters known regarding the alleged perpetrator.
A reasonable belief is formed if a reasonable person believes that:
A “reasonable belief” or a “belief on reasonable grounds” is not the same as having proof, but it is more than mere rumour or speculation.
A “reasonable belief” is formed if a reasonable person in the same position would form the belief on the same grounds. For example, a “reasonable belief” might be formed if:
If you have any queries or complaints about our Child Protection Policy & Child Safety Code of Conduct please contact us at:
0422 817 623